Check | Result |
jhove File is valid according to JHOVE. | |
magick File is valid according to ImageMagick. | |
md5 Checks for md5. | |
md5_raw Checks for md5_raw. | |
raw_pair Raw file was found for the image. | |
tifpages Check that there are no more than 1 page in the TIF, usually a thumbnail. | |
tif_compression TIF file is compressed using the lossless compression LZW. | |
unique_file Filename is unique in the project. |
Step | Result |
tag | taggroup | tagid | value |
Aperture | Composite | Exif-Aperture | 10.0 |
FocalLength35efl | Composite | Exif-FocalLength35efl | 120.0 mm |
ImageSize | Composite | Exif-ImageSize | 6798x5676 |
LensID | Composite | Exif-LensID-2 | Schneider Kreuznach Macro LS 120mm f/4.0 |
LightValue | Composite | Exif-LightValue | 14.6 |
Megapixels | Composite | Exif-Megapixels | 38.6 |
ShutterSpeed | Composite | Exif-ShutterSpeed | 1/125 |
ApertureValue | ExifIFD | 37378 | 10.0 |
DateTimeOriginal | ExifIFD | 36867 | 2024:08:05 23:59:59 |
ExifVersion | ExifIFD | 36864 | 0230 |
ExposureCompensation | ExifIFD | 37380 | 0 |
ExposureProgram | ExifIFD | 34850 | Manual |
ExposureTime | ExifIFD | 33434 | 1/125 |
FileSource | ExifIFD | 41728 | Digital Camera |
FNumber | ExifIFD | 33437 | 10.0 |
FocalLength | ExifIFD | 37386 | 120.0 mm |
ISO | ExifIFD | 34855 | 50 |
LightSource | ExifIFD | 37384 | Other |
MeteringMode | ExifIFD | 37383 | Average |
SceneType | ExifIFD | 41729 | Directly photographed |
SensingMethod | ExifIFD | 41495 | One-chip color area |
ShutterSpeedValue | ExifIFD | 37377 | 1/125 |
UserComment | ExifIFD | 37510 | Stacked from 4 images. Method=C (S=4) |
WhiteBalance | ExifIFD | 41987 | Unknown (5) |
ExifToolVersion | ExifTool | ExifToolVersion | 12.7 |
ExifByteOrder | File | ExifByteOrder | Little-endian (Intel, II) |
FileType | File | FileType | TIFF |
FileTypeExtension | File | FileTypeExtension | tif |
MIMEType | File | MIMEType | image/tiff |
CMMFlags | ICC-header | 44 | Not Embedded, Independent |
ColorSpaceData | ICC-header | 16 | RGB |
ConnectionSpaceIlluminant | ICC-header | 68 | 0.9642 1 0.82487 |
DeviceAttributes | ICC-header | 56 | Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color |
DeviceManufacturer | ICC-header | 48 | Kodak |
DeviceModel | ICC-header | 52 | ROMM |
PrimaryPlatform | ICC-header | 40 | Microsoft Corporation |
ProfileClass | ICC-header | 12 | Display Device Profile |
ProfileCMMType | ICC-header | 4 | Unknown (KCMS) |
ProfileConnectionSpace | ICC-header | 20 | XYZ |
ProfileCreator | ICC-header | 80 | Kodak |
ProfileDateTime | ICC-header | 24 | 1998:12:01 18:58:21 |
ProfileFileSignature | ICC-header | 36 | acsp |
ProfileID | ICC-header | 84 | 0 |
ProfileVersion | ICC-header | 8 | 2.1.0 |
RenderingIntent | ICC-header | 64 | Perceptual |
BlueMatrixColumn | ICC_Profile | bXYZ | 0.03134 9e-05 0.82491 |
BlueTRC | ICC_Profile | bTRC | (Binary data 14 bytes, use -b option to extract) |
DeviceMfgDesc | ICC_Profile | dmnd | KODAK |
DeviceModelDesc | ICC_Profile | dmdd | Reference Output Medium Metric(ROMM) |
GreenMatrixColumn | ICC_Profile | gXYZ | 0.13519 0.71188 0 |
GreenTRC | ICC_Profile | gTRC | (Binary data 14 bytes, use -b option to extract) |
MakeAndModel | ICC_Profile | mmod | (Binary data 40 bytes, use -b option to extract) |
MediaWhitePoint | ICC_Profile | wtpt | 0.9642 1 0.82489 |
ProfileCopyright | ICC_Profile | cprt | Copyright (c) Eastman Kodak Company, 1999, all rights reserved. |
ProfileDescription | ICC_Profile | desc | ProPhoto RGB |
RedMatrixColumn | ICC_Profile | rXYZ | 0.79767 0.28804 0 |
RedTRC | ICC_Profile | rTRC | (Binary data 14 bytes, use -b option to extract) |
BitsPerSample | IFD0 | 258 | 8 8 8 |
Compression | IFD0 | 259 | LZW |
FillOrder | IFD0 | 266 | Normal |
ImageHeight | IFD0 | 257 | 5676 |
ImageWidth | IFD0 | 256 | 6798 |
ModifyDate | IFD0 | 306 | 2024:08:06 11:05:07 |
Orientation | IFD0 | 274 | Horizontal (normal) |
PageNumber | IFD0 | 297 | 0 1 |
PhotometricInterpretation | IFD0 | 262 | RGB |
PlanarConfiguration | IFD0 | 284 | Chunky |
Predictor | IFD0 | 317 | Horizontal differencing |
PrimaryChromaticities | IFD0 | 319 | 0.6399999856 0.330000013 0.3000000118 0.6000000237 0.1500000058 0.05999999844 |
ProcessingSoftware | IFD0 | 11 | Helicon Focus 8.2.15 (Mac) |
ResolutionUnit | IFD0 | 296 | inches |
RowsPerStrip | IFD0 | 278 | 48 |
SamplesPerPixel | IFD0 | 277 | 3 |
Software | IFD0 | 305 | Capture One Macintosh |
StripByteCounts | IFD0 | 279 | (Binary data 832 bytes, use -b option to extract) |
StripOffsets | IFD0 | 273 | (Binary data 1050 bytes, use -b option to extract) |
WhitePoint | IFD0 | 318 | 0.3127000032 0.328999996 |
XResolution | IFD0 | 282 | 300 |
YResolution | IFD0 | 283 | 300 |
ApproximateFocusDistance | XMP-aux | ApproximateFocusDistance | 0.829 |
Firmware | XMP-aux | Firmware | IQ4 150MP, v6.00.52 (FWP) |
ImageNumber | XMP-aux | ImageNumber | 33353 |
Lens | XMP-aux | Lens | Schneider Kreuznach Macro LS 120mm f/4.0 |
LensInfo | XMP-aux | LensInfo | 0mm f/4-32 |
LensSerialNumber | XMP-aux | LensSerialNumber | TD003529 |
SerialNumber | XMP-aux | SerialNumber | JD010137 |
Creator | XMP-dc | creator | Smithsonian Digitization Program Office - Imaging Services |
LensModel | XMP-exifEX | LensModel | Schneider Kreuznach Macro LS 120mm f/4.0 |
DateCreated | XMP-photoshop | DateCreated | 2024:08:05 23:59:59 |
LegacyIPTCDigest | XMP-photoshop | LegacyIPTCDigest | 9D3A271C2CBEC96F79816D0F4A49CB88 |
Make | XMP-tiff | Make | Phase One |
Model | XMP-tiff | Model | IQ4 150MP |
XMPToolkit | XMP-x | xmptk | Image::ExifTool 12.70 |
CreateDate | XMP-xmp | CreateDate | 2024:08:05 23:59:59 |
CreatorTool | XMP-xmp | CreatorTool | Capture One Macintosh |
Rating | XMP-xmp | Rating | 0 |